Your search for bread

In the following you will find results for your search for "bread"

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Search results for: bread

Article 1 to 3 from 3 in total

Stick bread at the campfire with children

Adventurous campfire stories and delicious bread on a stick

Whether with the scouts, in a tent camp or in the garden at home: bread on a campfire with children is a must! You can easily prepare this popular snack yourself and in many variations. And in the great outdoors, some ingredients can even be incorporated into an adventurous game. To sit around a fireplace is practically in the genes of humans...

Bread boxes made of plastic, glass or stainless steel ?

Eat well on the way - with bread boxes made of plastic, glass or stainless steel

Vesper or lunch to go? For those who want to take their food from home for lunch break & Co., stable bread or lunch boxes are virtually indispensable. The reusable boxes not only guarantee a meal without pollutants and garbage, but can also be filled individually and healthily. You can choose between these variants and materials...

Crispy farmhouse bread - The best recipe

Fresh bread tastes incomparably delicious

The farmer's bread is a strong mixed bread made from wheat and rye flour. It is baked as a round loaf or, more rarely, in a box form. The rustic appearance of the bread is underlined by a cracked crust, which is crispy. You can bake a farmhouse bread yourself in your free time. Children who are interested in food and drink are also welcome to participate. A good farmer's bread needs only a...

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