Your search for floor

In the following you will find results for your search for "floor"

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Search results for: floor

Article 1 to 3 from 3 in total

Which floor covering is the right one for me

Choose the right floor covering for your home

Choose the right floor covering for your home - the attractiveness of the home and also has a major influence on the climate, footfall sound insulation and the amount of plaster required. For this reason, you should think carefully about which floor covering to choose for a newly built house or in the course of a renovation...

Floor cleaning at home - made easy

With the right technique and suitable cleaning agents

Tips for cleaning at home - floors are subject to enormous wear and tear. Nevertheless they should look good, of course. This can be achieved with individual cleaning, because every floor, whether it is made of tiles, laminate, parquet, plastic or carpeting, requires special care. But that does not mean that the house cleaning has to be elaborate! With the right technique and suitable cleaning agents, floor cleaning is easy!

Laying the floor - It's that easy

This is the easy way to install your new floor

For all those who are probably building or moving into their apartment or house, the question of how the floor will look when installed is very quickly raised. Perhaps you are also faced with this decision and find it difficult to make. However, laying the floor is not that difficult if you follow a few tips and if you have some manual skills, building a house is definitely harder! The following text should...

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