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Search results for: wining an dining

Article 1 to 10 from 10 in total

Dietary trends 2020

New decade - new body awareness!

Good intentions are piling up: Finally do something for your body! But now really lose weight! Diets and dietary trends are a popular topic of conversation around the turn of the year, as they are every year. And of course everyone wants to start the new decade with a healthy, fit body. What are the diet trends 2020? How will food and drink change?...

Lavender Lemonade Homemade

Exceptionally delicious homemade lemonade

Whether in leisure time, in industry, when eating and drinking: perhaps you have heard of lavender, which has long since ceased to be used just as a fragrance in pillows or bags. Lavender is becoming more and more popular in food and drink, and is also very popular with children. In the following text you will learn how to make delicious homemade lavender lemonade...

The best Kaiserschmarrn recipe

Holidays on your plate

The world's best Kaiserschmarrn! Good food and drink starts with cooking together. Especially for children it is nice to spend free time with the family in the kitchen. Delicious recipes such as the world's best Kaiserschmarrn are not only fun to prepare, but all big and small chefs enjoy it! Whoever hears Kaiserschmarrn usually automatically thinks of winter, mountains and evenings spent...

Whisky on the rocks or without ice

Enjoy whisky properly

Holidays like Christmas or Easter not only bring a lot of free time and good food and drink to the table, but also alcoholic drinks, such as a good whisky on the rocks. But do you really "have to" stick to this serving suggestion of the whisky or are there other exciting recipes that might refine the whisky or that you did not expect? The following article provides answers and recipes for leisure time...

Celtuce the new trend vegetable

A food trend from China

Do you know Celtuce? It refers to the asparagus salad. The vegetable is versatile. It is especially popular because of its taste and richness of nutrients. It is not a hybrid of asparagus and salad, even if the name suggests it. The Chinese salad is best suited for raw consumption, but can also be used for cooking. Facts about the lettuce variety Asparagus lettuce is a cultivar of two different...

The Detox cure detoxifies the body

Detox- detox the body gently

Detoxify the body - set it to "zero", so to speak, gain new strength and become fit. Perhaps you have already heard of Detox and would now like to detoxify your body to do something good for your health? How can you change your eating and drinking habits in your free time and at work in such a way that a detox is successful and how to start it at all? The following article is intended to...

The best wild garlic recipes

Eat and drink in a spring mood!

Try out delicious wild garlic recipes now: Eat and drink in a spring mood! Teaser: In your free time you like to cook, eat and drink? Then you can't avoid the aromatic wild garlic now. Let yourself be inspired by unusual wild garlic ideas. Find your favourite for this year's spring cuisine. Delicious wild garlic recipes, quickly prepared. Strictly seasonal products such as kale, asparagus...

Vegan 3 course menus

A banquet is coming up and you would like to organize a vegan menu for your guests?

Don't worry, never before have there been so many recipes and possibilities to cook vegan food and to prepare dishes and thus not only to please your vegan guests, but also to try out new things yourself. Which great recipes there can be for a vegan menu, you experience in the following. Even in the cold season, such as winter or Christmas, there are opportunities to cook vegan food for...

Delicious rhubarb recipes

Rhubarb - In gardens, kitchens and glasses!

Rhubarb is a gift of nature: growing wild and edible between April and the end of June. The only complicated thing about rhubarb for children is the pronunciation - and the spelling. Harvesting, growing and preparation are child's play and ideal for eating and drinking from your own garden. What exactly is rhubarb? According to natural history, rheum rhabarbarum, the common rhubarb, is a...

Crispy farmhouse bread - The best recipe

Fresh bread tastes incomparably delicious

The farmer's bread is a strong mixed bread made from wheat and rye flour. It is baked as a round loaf or, more rarely, in a box form. The rustic appearance of the bread is underlined by a cracked crust, which is crispy. You can bake a farmhouse bread yourself in your free time. Children who are interested in food and drink are also welcome to participate. A good farmer's bread needs only a...

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