Your search for beds

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Search results for: beds

Article 1 to 3 from 3 in total

Sowing in August

Is August - too late for sowing? No!

For many fruits and vegetables, the middle of summer is certainly too late for sowing, as many things can already be harvested, such as chillies, cucumbers and tomatoes, but there is still a wide range of crops that should only be sown now or that can be sown over several months and ideally harvested several times per season...

Fresh herbs from our own cultivation

Herb diversity from your own garden

Growing herbs in your own garden has many advantages. Stroke your hand over your herbs and enjoy their fragrance. With these spices you can give your dishes a very special finesse. If you don't have a garden, you can cultivate most herbs in a flower pot on the balcony...

Which waterbed is right for me?

Dispel myths and find the right model

Instead of a conventional mattress, should a waterbed be brought into the house this time? When buying a new water-filled sleeping mattress there are many questions to be answered. Does the model support my back ideally? Is the mattress warm enough? Does it keep me tight when I sleep? We will dispel common myths and help you with your purchase decision...

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