Your search for awnings

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Search results for: awnings

Article 1 to 3 from 3 in total

Choosing the right awning

An overview of the most important types

Awnings are divided into different types that vary according to their extension techniques. A decisive component in the choice of awning depends primarily on the static requirements of your balcony or garden. Another aspect also influences the choice of the right awning - your personal taste...

Curtain - the draught killer

Thermal curtains - The perfect solution to prevent draught and cold in the house

The perfect solution to prevent draughts and cold in the house - Unpleasant radiant cold and draughts can be perfectly prevented in your house by a cleverly installed curtain. So-called thermal curtains not only look good, they also make an important contribution to reducing your energy costs. Visually, curtains of this type look like conventional fabrics, but have a special weave or coating on the...

Natural visual protection through ivy

The ivy as a natural privacy screen

In private gardens ivy is often used as a natural privacy screen. In addition to its practical use, the plant also has an aesthetic appeal, as the greenery has a natural look and at the same time protects against prying eyes. The fast-growing and evergreen plant makes hardly any demands on the location and, with the right care, quickly serves as a reliable screen. Ivy convinces through easy care...

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