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Search results for: sport

Article 1 to 10 from 22 in total

Explore the city by bike: Berlin

Easy access to art, culture and history

Berlin is different! Anyone who has spent a few days in the capital of Germany will notice that Berlin has a dynamic all of its own. Many things are different here, the people are open, there is room for art and culture without forgetting history. Those who want to discover the city and its secret beauties should do so by bike...

Climbing in the franconian Switzerland

Paradise with about 6000 routes to climb on about 1000 rocks

Franconian Switzerland offers numerous possibilities for climbing, various steep slopes in different difficulty ranges are waiting for beginners and advanced climbers in Germany's most famous climbing area. The Franconian Switzerland, a climbing paradise with about 6000 routes to climb on about 1000 rocks. The limestone rocks of Franconian Switzerland with edges...

Canoeing on the Rhine

Beautiful tours for beginners and advanced canoeists

With its length of 1320 kilometres, the Rhine offers canoeists many opportunities to pursue their water sports. The river is always on the move and meanders through the most diverse landscapes. If you are looking for a suitable tour to explore one of the most important rivers in Europe by canoe, you will find below some beautiful routes that are recommended for beginners and...

The most beautiful hiking trails in Allgaeu

Breathtaking panoramas in the Allgäu

An outdoor paradise with guaranteed relaxation! - The Allgäu is a leisure paradise for hiking! Rugged cliffs, mountain meadows with shining flowers, idyllic alpine pastures and regional cuisine with culinary delights. When hiking in the Allgäu you can choose from attractive tours of varying degrees of difficulty. No matter whether you are looking for adventure on a difficult tour or enjoy the view...

The most beautiful rafting spots

Rafting as a leisure activity

Is enjoying ever increasing popularity. The mixture of adrenalin, water fun and nature experience make this sport an unforgettable outdoor experience. From wild water to difficult rapids, many rafting in Germany offers the perfect setting for the ultimate rafting fun. Here we present the most popular rafting spots in Germany...

Discover German rivers by canoe

Many people like to exercise in the fresh air and keep fit

A canoe trip on Germany's rivers with friends or the whole family is an excellent way to combine sport and leisure. Of course, the largest waterways should be avoided due to the numerous large ships. Among others, the Elbe and the Rhine near the big cities. The most beautiful river routes can be found for example in the Spreewald. Here the round trip in the Upper Spreewald from Burg to...

Ballooning - A view over Germany

Flying has always fascinated people

Birds can do it and we have always wanted to do it. Even before the plane came, people had the idea of pumping hot air into a balloon large enough to carry one or more people. The balloon ride was born. And today, ballooning has become a popular leisure activity. Jules Verne made ballooning really popular. In his novel "Around the World in 80 Days", the protagonists plan to...

Cycling tour along the Danube

Sport and leisure in one during a beautiful bicycle tour

With a length of almost 3000 km, the Danube is the second longest river in Europe. The green landscape through which the Danube flows attracts thousands of tourists to the area every year. In addition to historically and culturally impressive villages, there are also stretches along the Danube that are covered by wide meadows and forests. But also hilly landscapes, mountain ranges and large lakes belong to the repertoire of this natural idyll...

Waterski & Wakeboard

Pure thrill and even more fun with water skiing and wakeboarding

Water skiing and wakeboarding are two classic fun sports that combine breathtaking stunts with high speeds and excellent body control. Both water sports activities promise pure adrenaline and today it is impossible to imagine German waters without them. Wakeboard is a water sport that developed in the 1980s from surfing and water skiing. The co-founders are considered to be the water skier Jimmy Redman and the surfer...

Choose the right running clothes

How to find the right running clothes

Running is healthy and fun. However, the latter only applies if you make this sport as pleasant as possible. For this you need one thing above all else, in addition to a nice route: high-quality running clothing that fits really well during the sport. You can find out here what criteria you need to select running clothing...

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