Your search for germany

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Search results for: germany

Article 1 to 3 from 3 in total

The most beautiful adventure pools in Germany

To which it is worth a trip

Adventure pools are a great way to enjoy your leisure time together without having to leave Germany. Especially for families, adventure pools offer a lot of variety. Both children and adults enjoy splashing around in the cool water in combination with an impressive adventure landscape and culinary pampering programme...

The most beautiful animal parks in Germany

Zoos are fantastic destinations for the whole family

Marvel at animals from foreign continents together, learn about biological connections and support zoos and animal parks in their work. Not only the protection of endangered species is their task and the education of the population, but also the support of scientific research. Besides petting zoo and commented feeding, Germany's oldest zoo offers more than 20,000 different animals. One of the...

Ballooning - A view over Germany

Flying has always fascinated people

Birds can do it and we have always wanted to do it. Even before the plane came, people had the idea of pumping hot air into a balloon large enough to carry one or more people. The balloon ride was born. And today, ballooning has become a popular leisure activity. Jules Verne made ballooning really popular. In his novel "Around the World in 80 Days", the protagonists plan to...

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