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Search results for: child

Article 1 to 10 from 28 in total

The best Halloween decoration ideas for garden and terrace

You can find particularly beautiful decoration ideas here

For many people Halloween has become something like a fifth season - at least when it comes to decorating the garden or terrace with spooky decorations. What was once considered a typical American trend is now more popular than ever in Germany: Halloween. You can find particularly beautiful decoration ideas here. Lanterns are not only versatile as decoration on Halloween...

The most beautiful adventure pools in Germany

To which it is worth a trip

Adventure pools are a great way to enjoy your leisure time together without having to leave Germany. Especially for families, adventure pools offer a lot of variety. Both children and adults enjoy splashing around in the cool water in combination with an impressive adventure landscape and culinary pampering programme...

The most beautiful animal parks in Germany

Zoos are fantastic destinations for the whole family

Marvel at animals from foreign continents together, learn about biological connections and support zoos and animal parks in their work. Not only the protection of endangered species is their task and the education of the population, but also the support of scientific research. Besides petting zoo and commented feeding, Germany's oldest zoo offers more than 20,000 different animals. One of the...

Discover German rivers by canoe

Many people like to exercise in the fresh air and keep fit

A canoe trip on Germany's rivers with friends or the whole family is an excellent way to combine sport and leisure. Of course, the largest waterways should be avoided due to the numerous large ships. Among others, the Elbe and the Rhine near the big cities. The most beautiful river routes can be found for example in the Spreewald. Here the round trip in the Upper Spreewald from Burg to...

Tree house - From a child's dream to a bedroom in the trees

Do you have a big tree in your garden with a thick trunk?

Is the dream of many children and if you as parents have enough space in your garden, you can playfully fulfill this dream for your child. Children need space and room to let their imagination run wild. So what better way than a tree house to create this opportunity for the child? If you have the necessary facilities, you can either build the tree house yourself or purchase a ready-made kit in retail stores...

Playing the accordion - How to get started

Learning to play the accordion

Here's how to get started - If you can play an instrument, you can enjoy yourself and good friends with your own music. However, it takes time before children or adults master a musical instrument. If you feel like sacrificing a small part of your free time, the following tips will help you to learn bit by bit how to play this great instrument. And with a little more practice, the fun will come!...

Tips for a summer party for children

That's how the garden party becomes an unforgettable experience

When the sun laughs from the sky in summer, the birds sing and the temperatures climb up, then it cannot be missed: a summer party for the children. With these tips, the party in your own garden is quickly organised and will be remembered by your kids and their friends for a long time. Fact is: the right decoration is the be-all and end-all of any party, as it gives the party the right setting...

Stick bread at the campfire with children

Adventurous campfire stories and delicious bread on a stick

Whether with the scouts, in a tent camp or in the garden at home: bread on a campfire with children is a must! You can easily prepare this popular snack yourself and in many variations. And in the great outdoors, some ingredients can even be incorporated into an adventurous game. To sit around a fireplace is practically in the genes of humans...

What belongs in the medicine chest?

The medicine chest - what really belongs in it?

It can be found in almost every household - the medicine chest. In some it is well stocked, in others it ekes out a meagre existence in the bathroom cabinet and contains little except headache tablets and plasters. But what really belongs in a well stocked home pharmacy? For emergencies, there should always be a small supply of medicines and bandages...

Playing the piano - How to get started

Learn to play the piano: It's easier that way!

If you can play the piano, you have mastered an instrument that makes many people go into raptures. Both children and adults can get enthusiastic about this great hobby. However, as with many other things, here it is also: All beginnings are difficult! If you would like to learn more about the subject, the following tips can certainly make the start a little easier...

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