Your search for baking

In the following you will find results for your search for "baking"

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Search results for: baking

Article 1 to 6 from 6 in total

Stick bread at the campfire with children

Adventurous campfire stories and delicious bread on a stick

Whether with the scouts, in a tent camp or in the garden at home: bread on a campfire with children is a must! You can easily prepare this popular snack yourself and in many variations. And in the great outdoors, some ingredients can even be incorporated into an adventurous game. To sit around a fireplace is practically in the genes of humans...

The most delicious plum cake recipes

Sweet cake parade with cheeky little fruits

Matching the late summer harvest variety, the blue-violet fruits present themselves colourful, delicious and deliciously seductive. Plums are ideal for baking, as they retain most of their shape. A delicious plum cake is a classic in the kitchen, which tastes good to young and old and can be enjoyed without regret. Because plums not only taste good, they are also healthy...

Sugar - What alternatives are there?

The Truth About Sugar Replacement

From Stevia to Coconut Flower Sugar - Among other things, the consumption of sugar causes fatigue, lack of energy, anxiety, depression, stomach and intestinal disorders, hair loss, skin diseases, lack of concentration and sleep disorders. This is why more and more Germans are deciding either to eliminate sugar from their own diet at short notice as part of a "30-day sugar-free...

Delicious poppy cake recipes

You would like a delicious poppy seed cake?

Surprise your guests Some people like it, but others don't like poppy seeds very much. These reservations are completely unjustified, especially when it comes to baking or recipes. You would like to shine at your next coffee table with a delicious poppy seed cake? Then you should definitely try out the following recipes and be surprised by the results. There are several recipes for baking cakes...

Omelets - Muffins

This is how it works!

You would like to offer your children a tasty yet healthy alternative to the "normal" brunch and breakfast? Then you should try omelette muffins. They are easy to bake and can be varied wonderfully. In addition, your children can help you bake them and choose the filling themselves and vary it as they wish. How to use the omelette muffins for leisure, school or work. The great thing...

Crispy farmhouse bread - The best recipe

Fresh bread tastes incomparably delicious

The farmer's bread is a strong mixed bread made from wheat and rye flour. It is baked as a round loaf or, more rarely, in a box form. The rustic appearance of the bread is underlined by a cracked crust, which is crispy. You can bake a farmhouse bread yourself in your free time. Children who are interested in food and drink are also welcome to participate. A good farmer's bread needs only a...

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