Stick bread at the campfire with children

Adventurous campfire stories and delicious bread on a stick

Kategorien: Recipes Baking Food and Drink Children Hobby Camping

Whether with the Boy Scouts, in the tent camp or in the garden at home: stick bread should not be missing at a campfire with children! You can prepare this popular snack easily and in many variations. And in the great outdoors, some ingredients can even be incorporated into an adventurous game.
Stick bread at the campfire with children / close-up of a stick bread over the fire© Tobias / Fotolia

Cosy get-together around the campfire
To sit around a fireplace is practically in the genes of humans. In the past, an open fire was not only meant to keep warm, but for a long time it was also the only way to see something in the dark or to protect oneself from wild animals. At the fire, exciting, adventurous and creepy stories were told, eaten, drunk and celebrated. This connection with nature and the people around us has unfortunately become less and less important in our modern world.

And it shows over and over again: The cosiness, sociability and pleasant warmth in the light of a campfire cannot be compared to a get-together on the sofa in front of the TV. With their enthusiasm for nature and a large portion of adventurousness, even children are quickly inspired by the idea of collecting firewood. At leisure camps, and of course also with the scouts, a campfire should therefore not be missing. You can learn a lot about nature while collecting firewood and you even have the opportunity to explore the area. In the evenings at the fire, both the little ones and the grown-ups enjoy a cosy chat. Add a delicious snack baked over the flames and the evening is perfect.

Stockbrot: Quickly prepared and infinitely varied
It's in every adventure and Indian story: Bread speared on a stick and baked over a fire. The children are already looking forward to this when they prepare the dough and can find a suitable stick for themselves. You can even integrate the search for the suitable stick into an exciting game: Let the children find a willow or a hazelnut tree to use its branches for the stick bread.

In any case, make sure that the sticks come from a non-toxic tree! If the children are already older, you can carve your cane yourself - under adult supervision, of course - to make it easier to skewer the dough. But you can also have the children add the ingredients for the stick bread recipe. Depending on the season and recipe variant, berries, nuts or wild garlic are available for the children to collect.

Together with the adults, they can finally prepare the dough and make sweet and savoury variations. Since the dough is basically very simple, even small children are able to help. It is also very easy to prepare larger quantities. Stick bread recipes: Something for everyone Whether sweet or savoury: stick bread is always delicious and also gives children the responsibility of looking after their own food. After all, a sure instinct and sense of time are needed to bake the dough over the campfire, but not to let it burn.

Sweet recipe with yeast:
500g flour, 80g sugar, 1 packet vanilla sugar, 1 packet dry yeast, 250 ml milk, 100g margarine, a pinch of salt and 1 egg Knead all the ingredients together and then let the dough rise for at least 30 minutes.

Hearty recipe with yeast:
500g flour, 1 packet of yeast, 1 egg, 20g margarine, 300 ml milk, 1 teaspoon salt, a pinch of sugar, 120g grated cheese, one onion and 125g diced bacon Brown the onions and bacon. Knead everything together and let the dough rise for about 30 minutes.
Stick bread at the campfire with children / people making stick bread at the campfire© dreakrawi / Fotolia

Recipe with quark oil dough (without yeast):
300g low-fat quark, 6 tablespoons milk, 12 tablespoons oil, 600g flour, 2 eggs and 1 packet baking powder First mix all liquid ingredients with a whisk or hand mixer. Then gradually add the flour mixed with the baking powder. In all recipes, the dough is finally formed into a sausage and wrapped around the stick. Alternatively, a portion of dough can be rolled into a ball and skewered. Finally, the stick bread is baked over the fire for about 5 to 10 minutes, turning constantly.

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