Lavender Lemonade Homemade

Exceptionally delicious homemade lemonade

Kategorien: Food and Drink Children Hobby

Whether in leisure time, in industry, when eating and drinking: perhaps you have heard of lavender, which has long since ceased to be used just as a fragrance in pillows or bags. Lavender is becoming more and more popular in food and drink, and is also very popular with children. In the following text you will learn how to make delicious homemade lavender lemonade. It is always worth paying special attention to lavender.
Lavender lemonade Homemade - a fresh lavender lemonade© bondarillia / depositphotos

Why is lavender so popular?

Lavender has always had a great attraction for people - this is probably mainly due to its unmistakable scent, which can effortlessly fill even large rooms. Lavender was already used as a sedative in ancient times - especially the flowers are still used today as a calming agent for restlessness, nervousness, or difficulty falling asleep, for example in the form of tea or baths. The plant is also used for functional upper abdominal complaints and rheumatism, for example as oil or infusion.

The plant grows mainly at higher altitudes in the Mediterranean region and flowers from July to August. When eating and drinking, the plant is often used as a spice, both in sweet and salty dishes. You will find this spice for example as a component of the spice mixture "Herbs of Provence". In this country, the plant is often used in laundry bags in the wardrobe to treat clothes with its pleasant fragrance. But the plant is also finding more and more followers when it comes to food and drink, for example in the form of lavender lemonade, which your children will certainly like.

Homemade lavender lemonade: it's that simple!

Your children can also help wonderfully with the preparation of lavender lemonade and learn a lot about the plant. Especially in France, more precisely in Provence, which is considered a hotspot for the plant, the lemonade is very popular, especially in leisure time, as it tastes wonderfully refreshing and aromatic. To prepare it you need for four portions: about 250 grams of sugar, one organic lemon, one litre of water and two tablespoons of dried or even fresh lavender flowers.

You can find the dried lavender flowers for example in well-assorted supermarkets or in health food stores, as well as on the Internet. First squeeze the organic lemon well and put the squeezed juice aside for a short time. Now put the crushed lemon itself with the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring the mixture to the boil, taking care not to burn the sugar at the bottom. Now add the lemon juice and the lavender flowers, mix well and let the mixture cool down.

Then put the mixture into a fine-grained sieve to sift out the lavender leaves. If you or your children like, you can now enjoy the finished lemonade with ice water or mix it with carbonated water. If you wish, you can also modify the recipe a little and add mint to the pot, for example. Another variation could be to add a lime instead of lemon to the pot. You can play the same game with the sweetness of the lemonade, vary the amount of sugar and so on.

Use the lavender syrup in many ways
With the recipe described above, you make the lavender syrup before diluting it with water to make the lemonade. For example, if you want to cook the syrup for stock, remember that the syrup will keep for about 10 days in a clean bottle.
Lavender Lemonade Home Made - Lavender Lemonade Home Made© belchonock / depositphotos

So you can quickly provide the children with lemonade - homemade and wonderfully refreshing. The syrup is also an excellent gift idea, as you can fill it into a nice bottle and give it away, for example, decorated with a nice bow. This variant is above all inexpensive, but still a gift, which is guaranteed not often given away.

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