Camping at Hobby, Home and Garden

Category: Camping

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Category Camping on Hobby, Home and Garden

Article 1 to 2 from 2 in total

Stick bread at the campfire with children

Adventurous campfire stories and delicious bread on a stick

Whether with the scouts, in a tent camp or in the garden at home: bread on a campfire with children is a must! You can easily prepare this popular snack yourself and in many variations. And in the great outdoors, some ingredients can even be incorporated into an adventurous game. To sit around a fireplace is practically in the genes of humans...

Tree tents - an exceptional overnight accommodation

Tree tent - this is behind the new trend

You love camping, but have had enough of the classic tents, which you have to set up easily or with difficulty? How about a tree tent instead? Never heard of it? The following article explains the new type of tent and what makes it so special. Tree tents, also known as hammock tents or hammock tents, are not set up and erected on the ground as is usually the case, but are stretched between...

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