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Search results for: garden

Article 1 to 10 from 24 in total

Building a bird house for the winter by yourself

Build your own bird house - not that hard!

A bird house brings a lot of joy for young and old, especially in winter. Watching different species in and around the bird house is especially fun from the window. In addition, the feathered visitors are happy if they find a little extra food in your garden in the cold winter. If you do not want to buy the bird house, you can build it yourself - and it is not as difficult as you might think...

The best Halloween decoration ideas for garden and terrace

You can find particularly beautiful decoration ideas here

For many people Halloween has become something like a fifth season - at least when it comes to decorating the garden or terrace with spooky decorations. What was once considered a typical American trend is now more popular than ever in Germany: Halloween. You can find particularly beautiful decoration ideas here. Lanterns are not only versatile as decoration on Halloween...

Garden work in autumn

Preparing the garden for winter in autumn

Although the temperatures drop in autumn and many people prefer to sit in front of the fireplace with a good book and a hot drink, gardening is important at this time of year too. Because of the autumn foliage and flora, the garden needs a lot of attention, especially in autumn. Gardening in the autumn mainly involves cutting back old shoots on all plants in the garden. Faded areas and naturally...

Tips for paving a stone terrace

Don't forget important preparatory work

A stone terrace offers many positive aspects and scores especially with its design and variety of shapes and colours in connection with a wonderful garden. However, if you want to lay it yourself, you should pay attention to a few points so that the terrace is not only beautified but also remains fully functional. Above all, extensive earthwork needs to be done...

A wasps' nest at the house - what to do?

How to behave properly

In summer, life usually takes place not only in the house, but of course also in the garden. Unfortunately, uninvited visitors are often attracted: wasps. However, wasps can not only be uninvited guests when eating and drinking, but can also build a whole wasp nest around the house. The following article tells you what to do in this case and how to behave in an ideal case...

The most beautiful decoration ideas for your garden in autumn

Autumnal decoration for your garden

The transition between summer and autumn is a very good opportunity to prepare not only the decoration in the house but also the garden for the change of seasons. With a little creativity, you can give your property a typical autumnal touch in no time at all, so that the decorations match the colourful autumn leaves and the balding trees...

Choosing the right awning

An overview of the most important types

Awnings are divided into different types that vary according to their extension techniques. A decisive component in the choice of awning depends primarily on the static requirements of your balcony or garden. Another aspect also influences the choice of the right awning - your personal taste...

The most beautiful animal parks in Germany

Zoos are fantastic destinations for the whole family

Marvel at animals from foreign continents together, learn about biological connections and support zoos and animal parks in their work. Not only the protection of endangered species is their task and the education of the population, but also the support of scientific research. Besides petting zoo and commented feeding, Germany's oldest zoo offers more than 20,000 different animals. One of the...

Swimming pond instead of swimming pool

As soon as the nice weather comes, the desire for cooling appears

And so that you can emerge from the "real wet", there is a lot to think about when choosing the perfect swimming pool. Of course, the trade has been offering a large selection of plastic swimming pools for some years now. Whether a "frame pool" with aluminium piping or a "fun pool" with inflatable edge, there is something for every purse. It already starts with a diameter of about 3 meters and about 200 Euro...

Sowing in August

Is August - too late for sowing? No!

For many fruits and vegetables, the middle of summer is certainly too late for sowing, as many things can already be harvested, such as chillies, cucumbers and tomatoes, but there is still a wide range of crops that should only be sown now or that can be sown over several months and ideally harvested several times per season...

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