Cleaning at Hobby, Home and Garden

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Category Cleaning on Hobby, Home and Garden

Article 1 to 4 from 4 in total

Mould on the wall - What to do

What to do if mould grows in the house

Mould can grow in rooms with too high humidity. Incorrect ventilation and heating contribute to a poor indoor climate. Various building defects can also be the cause. Since this can be a health hazard, you should definitely take action! Check the air humidity in your house and take countermeasures if it is permanently too high and the first signs of mould growth appear...

Floor cleaning at home - made easy

With the right technique and suitable cleaning agents

Tips for cleaning at home - floors are subject to enormous wear and tear. Nevertheless they should look good, of course. This can be achieved with individual cleaning, because every floor, whether it is made of tiles, laminate, parquet, plastic or carpeting, requires special care. But that does not mean that the house cleaning has to be elaborate! With the right technique and suitable cleaning agents, floor cleaning is easy!

Maintaining door rubbers in the car

Door rubbers properly - with these tips it works

The door rubbers are there to seal the gap between the car door and the body of the vehicle and thus keep wetness and dirt but also wind out. To ensure that they can do this in high quality for a long time, you should clean and maintain them regularly. There are a number of aspects to consider when choosing the means used. You have these seals not only on the door of your car, but also...

Drain glogged? What can we do?

Drain glogged - and now?

If the drain is clogged, this causes occasional panic flights under the morning shower. Apart from a feeling of discomfort, the question of the right solution also arises. So what do you do if the drain is suddenly blocked and you stand ankle-deep in the water? In some cases, it is advisable to use a professional pipe cleaning service. Especially when old pipe systems are involved and there is a risk...

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